
Foods That Cleanse Your Liver Naturally

Weighing in at around 2-3 lbs, the liver is the body’s second largest organ. Often referred to as our main filtration system, it is responsible for many essential functions in the body.


Perhaps its most well known attribute is the liver’s function as our filtration, or detoxification, system. Not only can the liver clear the blood of drugs and other harmful substances, it also removes harmful bacteria from the blood, helping to avoid frequent infections in the body.


The liver excretes something called bile, which helps to break down fats during digestion, allowing for better absorption in the body.


The liver stores and releases glucose to maintain blood sugar balance. It also is where iron is stored.

The liver is our main filtration system, removing harmful bacteria, toxins and drugs from our bloodstream.

Cleansing Your Liver Naturally

A proper functioning liver is essential to life as we know it. It is our main way of filtering all of the harmful substances we are exposed to on a daily basis out of our bloodstream. And in this day and age, with all the toxins we breathe and eat and all the medications we are prescribed, our livers are working some serious overtime!

Our liver goes through the detoxification process on a constant, daily basis, so why not help support the liver through these stages of detox on a daily basis too? By eating foods that naturally support stage I and II of the detox process, we can help prevent future damage to our liver and ensure that we are keeping our bodies as clean and toxin-free as possible.

Foods That Naturally Cleanse the Liver

There are lots of foods that can help to cleanse the liver naturally. Here are some of the most beneficial for you.

Sulfur-Containing Foods

Garlic and brussel sprouts both contain high amounts of sulfur, which is a mineral that helps to rid the body of toxins.


Whether you find dandelion leaves at your local grocer or you get dandelion root tea, both forms have been shown to help rid the liver of toxins.

Glutathione-Rich Foods

Glutathione is a very powerful antioxidant that binds to toxins and removes them from the body very effectively. Foods such as grapefruit, tomatoes, walnuts and spinach are all a good source of glutathione. It is important to note that these foods contain glutathione when they are RAW. If you cook them, you are losing the liver purifying aspect of these foods.

Treat Your Liver Right

Given the burden we are placing on our liver on a daily basis, we need to give it some love on a daily basis too. Regularly eating foods that naturally cleanse your liver help to keep it functioning optimally. This is far more ideal than waiting until something goes awry and a drastic liver detox- or much worse- is necessary.


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