Mind/Body, Nutrition

What is Oil Pulling & Does it Work?

Oil pulling is an age-old remedy to help remove bacteria from the teeth and gums. This practice originated in India thousands of years ago, but did not make it’s way to American until the 1990’s. Coconut and sesame oil are most commonly used. I, personally, have only used coconut oil. Documented benefits of oil pulling include everything from whiter and less sensitive teeth to things like clearer skin, reduced arthritis pain and more balanced hormones. Some people claim they have even healed cavities by oil pulling.

Bacteria can enter the blood stream through our mouth. This is why poor dental hygiene has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. By simply swishing some naturally antibacterial coconut oil through your teeth, you can reduce the toxins entering your blood stream, reducing your risk for infection and disease. In my opinion, whiter teeth is just a bonus. The real benefits are much greater!

Benefits of oil pulling can range from better breath and overall dental hygiene to reduction in chronic pain and headaches.

How To Oil Pull

1. Take a teaspoon or so of coconut or sesame oil (I’ve only used coconut oil) and place in your mouth. Allow the oil to melt if solid.

2. Gently swish the liquid around your mouth and through your teeth for twenty minutes. (If your mouth is getting tired, you are working too hard! You just want to gently move the liquid around your mouth, no need to aggressively swish like you do with mouthwash. You’ll never make it 20 minutes that way.)

3. Spit the toxin-filled liquid out into a trash can or a jar to dispose. Do NOT spit it into a sink. The oil can harden in the pipes, especially in the winter. Trust me, you don’t want this to happen!

4. Rinse your mouth completely with warm water to remove any remaining oil along with the bacteria and toxins. Then, go about your usual morning dental hygiene routine.

Getting Started

Most peoples’ first reaction is, “Twenty minutes?! I can’t do Oil Pullingthat for twenty minutes!” You can, I promise. Twenty minutes is enough time to break down plaque and bacteria in the mouth, but not so much time that the body starts to re-absorb the toxins.

I have a jar of coconut oil in my bathroom and, first thing in the morning, I simply grab a scoop, pop it in my mouth and start swishing as I step into the shower. By the time I am showered and dried off, I’m ready to dispose of the oil.

What To Expect

Some people can notice what is called a healing crisis when they first start oil pulling. You are getting rid of lots of bacteria and toxins and, especially if you have a lot of dental problems or underlying bacterial issues. You may notice some symptoms get slightly worse before they get better. This does not always happen, but if it does, just stick with it and things should turn around within a week or so.
You may notice your teeth look whiter or feel less sensitive after consistent use. Depending on your current state of health, you may reap some greater rewards such as improved asthma symptoms, reduction in chronic pain or headaches and so much more.

What Has Oil Pulling Done For Me?

For me, I have been oil pulling with coconut oil every morning for about 5 months now and have seen noticeable changes. My teeth are much less sensitive and my gums are less inflamed. I also always had one spot that would bleed heavily every time I flossed for years. That is gone too! I really enjoy how polished and clean my teeth feel after doing this as well. It feels like you just left the dentist’s office after a teeth cleaning.

Whether you benefit from whiter teeth or more balanced hormones or clearer skin, oil pulling is a great way to keep your teeth looking good and your mouth feeling good. It is an easy way to help care for our insides from the outside.

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