Pet Health

Pet Allergies?
Pet Health

Pet Allergies? It Might Be a Yeast Infection.

Itchy skin, red, irritated hot spots and dirty, sometimes goopey (I may have made that word up) ears. These are all symptoms most often associated with pet allergies. This may not be the case though. What many mistake for seasonal or food allergies is often actually a yeast infection.

What is Yeast?

Seasonal and food allergies are not the only thing that can cause your dog’s skin irritations. Yeast may be the actual culprit. Yeast is a form of fungus that is naturally occurring on your dog’s skin and in their gut. It loves warm, moist environments such as paw pads, ears.

At normal levels, it coexists with the gut’s healthy bacteria as part of a balanced immune system. However, if your pet’s immune system becomes suppressed for one of many reasons, this yeast can begin to overpopulate and take over the gut entirely. Striving for balance, the dog’s body will attempt to get rid of the yeast. This is when symptoms become noticeable. Symptoms of a yeast overgrowth can be very similar to those of allergies, which is why it is so commonly misdiagnosed.

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Pet Health

Pet Health 101: Health Starts In The Home

We are constantly being reminded how toxic the world we live in is these days. With daily exposure to chemicals and toxins in everything from the air we breathe to the food we eat, it got me thinking- what about my pets? They are breathing the same air, drinking the same water and eating a similarly over-processed diet that most of us are. We are told the countless ways to combat these toxins and keep our immune systems working at their best- but what about our pets?

Our pets’ immune systems are being bombarded by the endless exposures to toxins, just like us humans. It is important to keep their immune system functioning at its best to avoid disease and illness. Here are some simple tips you can do at home to keep your pets’ immune systems strong.

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Treating Yeast Overgrowth in Dogs
Pet Health

5 Ways to Treat Yeast Overgrowth in Dogs

Yeast is a common issue for many dogs. Symptoms can range from itchy ears and feet to greasy, smelly fur and can be very uncomfortable for your pup. Yeast is a fungus that is naturally occurring in pet’s gut. When their immune system is compromised, it can overpopulate and cause you dog great discomfort and distress.  Here are the top 5 ways to treat and prevent a yeast overgrowth in your dog.

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